Hello my bloody little snow bunnies,
The first snowfall of the year has fallen in Pittsburgh, and as such, I thought that it would be the perfect time to sit down and have a chat with my lovely friend, Maria Alexander, about her debut YA novel, SNOWED, recently released from Raw Dog Screaming Press.
So grab a blanket, sneak some whiskey in your coffee, and bundle up, because it's about to get cold in the madhouse, and when the heat goes off in the asylum, there's no saying what people will do to stay warm.
With frostbite,
Stephanie M. Wytovich
Interview: Maria Alexander
Stephanie M. Wytovich
Hi, Maria! It’s looks like it’s winter over in your world now, and I’m super
excited to jump into your most recent publication, especially as someone who is
already a fan of your work. Can you tell
us a little bit about SNOWED? What inspired you to write a young adult novel
this time around?

WYTOVICH: Which character do you feel like that you have the
strongest connection to and why?
Definitely Charity Jones. When she
walked into my daydreams, I just loved her. She’s not perfect, but she’s strong
and smart in ways I wish I’d been when I was her age. Her parents are very
different than mine were, and I think that makes all the difference.
WYTOVICH: Regarding your writing process, what do you find
was the biggest challenge with this project? What was the most enjoyable?
Honestly, this book and its sequel have both been the greatest joy I’ve ever
had writing. The biggest challenge was actually the physical act of writing. My
hands were disabled as I wrote the first draft, which meant I used Dragon
NaturallySpeaking to complete the manuscript. It wasn’t the first time I’d been
disabled, nor was it the first time I’d used Dragon, but I was still scared
that I’d never be able to type again – or do many other things, for that
WYTOVICH: How would you describe your writing style to those
who are new to your work? Did you feel a noticeable change in your voice or
style with writing a YA novel? Or was it just a shift in content and language?
I’ve always described my writing style as prose poetry, but everything changed
when I started writing YA. Literally. Charity reads the way a teenager speaks,
and that’s totally unlike anything I’ve written before. Since she’s a very
smart girl, I give her some leeway to come up with interesting phrases, but I
stayed faithful to her, which is why I think she appeals so strongly to teens
of all genders. The definition of YA is one teen telling another his or her
story. I wrote from a young teen’s point of view in “Though Thy Lips Are Pale,”
but that protagonist is NOT talking to another teen. There’s a profound
difference. In YA, you’re telling a story that appeals to teen interests and
concerns, which can be alien to adults. While adults will remember what it was
like to be a teen and embrace the story, you need to stay true to your core
WYTOVICH: Who are some of your influences in the YA genre?
Where did you find yourself pulling inspiration from? Any favorite
books/authors that you found yourself faithfully picking up?
Phillip Pullman is probably my biggest influence, although JK Rowling and Nancy
Holder follow closely on his heels. After I wrote Snowed, I started watching MTV’s Teen Wolf. I was thrilled to see how much Snowed felt like Teen Wolf,
which is crazy popular with teens. Snowed
isn’t horror per se, but it’s really dark and the friendships are as close-knit
and intimate as those in the show. I think there’s huge crossover potential in
the audiences.
In a
weird way, Twilight was probably the
biggest influence because I was trying to create something totally unlike it.
As a result, I wound up breaking almost every “rule” in the YA genre. I didn’t
realize how many rules I’d broken until I started following the “Brooding YA Hero”
account on Twitter. I was talking to Miri, one of my teen beta readers, about
it when I said, “I broke a lot of rules in Snowed,
huh?” She replied, “Yeah, but it’s awesome!” And, man, you should have seen the
enthusiasm from my teen readers. I’ve put up some of their “blurbs” on my
WYTOVICH: What do you hope that readers gain from this book?
Their money’s worth. And a thirst for the next two.
WYTOVICH: Did I hear rumors of a sequel?
Hells yeah. Inversion is almost done.
It’s an even bigger rollercoaster ride, if that’s possible. And after that will
be the conclusion, Ashes of Angels. I
already know the broad strokes of that tale. The world I’m creating is
certainly big enough for spinoffs and short stories. I’m looking forward to it
Alexander is the Bram Stoker Award-winning author of Mr. Wicker. She’s been publishing short stories and poetry since
1999. When she’s not slinging a katana in her Shinkendo dojo, she’s being outrageously
spooky or writing Doctor Who filk. She lives in Los Angeles with two ungrateful
cats, a Jewish Christmas caroler, and a purse called Trog.
Short Pitch:
engineering prodigy, Charity Jones, is a skeptic who learns she should not only
believe in certain Christmas myths, but she should be afraid of them.
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