How to Find Your Muse by Writing the Book You Love
By Sally Bosco
People talk about finding their
muse, like it’s an outside thing, like some person or sprite will come along,
and suddenly they'll be all inspired. I tend to think of it as contacting the
source of my own inner creativity. One way I do this is to make sure that what
I’m working on is something I love.
A few years ago I decided that I
was going to write only books I loved, books I’d actually buy if I saw them
online or in a book store. I wanted to start each day looking forward to
working on this particular book. I think I had always done that to some extent,
but more recently I decided to make a concerted effort of it. Here’s what I
did. I answered these questions for myself:
The first and most obvious question is, what is my favorite genre?
To me, that’s a tough one
because I like to read in a wide variety of genres. I like anything from
literary to horror to paranormal, sometimes adult, sometimes young adult. I
like the story to have romance elements, but I don’t like straight-up romance
novels most of the time. I had to figure out what combination of these genres I
wanted to pursue. My writers’ voice runs to young adult, and I vary between
mainstream with a literary bent to horror. It turns out that I’ve written lots
of variations on the above.
What are some of my favorite books and why? Make a list.
Take a good hard look at what
you like to read and figure out why. Incorporate those elements in your
writing. Like I mentioned earlier, my reading has been very eclectic. I like
the simple elegance of Ernest Hemingway and the moody Gothic prose of Ann Rice.
I like the ambiguity of Jeanette Winterson and the inventiveness of Neil
Gaiman. Try to encompass some of those elements in your story.
What kinds of elements do you like to read in a story? Make a list.
Break down your favorite novels
into component parts. When you’re reading someone else’s story, what elements
really grab you? I like to have some form of experimentation, but sometimes
experimental elements can be gimmicky. To avoid that, I like to use something
that is different or not usually done. For example, my current
work-in-progress, Poisonous Garden,
is told from the point of view of a person of indeterminable gender. So you need to figure out what elements you like best in a story and use those.

What elements do I love to write
about? Make a list.
What are your favorite things? My
general list is: doppelgangers, road trips, sleazy diners, dark mysterious
outdoor spaces, houses or rooms that change shape, alternate dimensions, gender
identity such as cross-dressers, and shape shifters. For each new novel I
write, I come up with a list of key words I’d like to work into the story. The
end goal is making sure I’m writing a story that I’ll love, that I would want
to read. In Zen and the Art of Writing,
Ray Bradbury said to make a list of the things you love and hate and write
about those. Great advice.
What’s the story I want to write?
Try to form some plots from the
above-mentioned questions. Don’t be afraid to brainstorm crazy ideas. I usually make lots of lists of ideas. Some
may turn into novels and some short stories. Most sit there for years and all
of a sudden one of them will speak to me. Keep a file on your laptop or phone
of story ideas that you’re always adding to. Choose one and start developing
it, using your lists of favorite elements and key words.
How can I make sure it stays
the story I want to write?
Too often in the past, the
stories I’ve written have run-off-the-rails into something I didn’t really
like. For me, the remedy to this is careful outlining to ensure that the story
goes in the direction I want it to. I know that for some people that wrecks
their spontaneity, but for me it works. I recommend Blake Snyder’s book, Save the Cat for an outlining process.
How do you contact your muse?
Her published novels include:, Shadow Cat (written as Zoe LaPage, her adult alter-ego), and The Werecat Chronicles, and she was a contributor to Many Genres, One Craft. She’s had short stories published in literary magazines and anthologies, including the Small Bites anthology and most recently Hazard Yet Forward. She has an MFA degree in Writing Popular Fiction from Seton Hill University.
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Good to see you in the Madhouse, Sally! Great tips and advice here. Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteBest photo ever plus solid nuts & bolts advice too many don't consider. Great job.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comments, Chris and Leslie! The article was really fun to do. It is actually the way I write lately.
ReplyDeleteHelpful advice, Sally. "Most [ideas] sit there for years and all of a sudden one of them will speak to me." That really struck me. Happens to me too. Then I get another idea that picks a mate from one that's been waiting in the wings, and bingo, a story sparks.
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed THE WERECAT CHRONICLES, Sally. Thanks for sharing your insight here.
ReplyDeleteAnd thanks for bringing Sally to us, Steph.
:) Heidi