Monday, February 13, 2017

AWP#17 Conference: Washington D.C. Con Report

This past weekend, I attended the AWP (Association of Writers and Writing Programs) Conference with Raw Dog Screaming Press and Anti-Oedipus Press. I signed books, fielded questions as RDSP’s poetry editor, answered questions about speculative fiction/poetry and got to meet and reconnect with a lot of wonderful and inspiring people. 

My books Brothel and The Eighth sold particularly well, and I'm not sure what to make of that, but it does make me smile a lot, and I hope their buyers aren't too damaged after reading them.

Wait, yes I do.

Who am I kidding?
Editors: Jennifer Barnes, D. Harlan Wilson, Stephanie M. Wytovich

Stephanie M. Wytovich and D. Harlan Wilson
Anyways, it was especially wonderful to spend time with Jennifer Barnes, John Edward Lawson and D. Harlan Wilson, but I also got to share some pizza and a pretty kick-ass World of Warcraft conversation with J. L. Gribble, too. Cue conversations with a lot of Carlow colleagues and students (shout-out to Gerry LaFemina and Kevin Haworth), as well as fellow bizarro and horror writers, Leza Cantoral (CLASH Media), Christoph Paul (New English Press), and Justin Grimbol, and you can count me as a happy girl.

As always, these conferences are so much more than networking opportunities and work. They are standing reminders that writing is in my blood and art is my happy place. It was beautifully moving to see so many writers talking about diversity and resistance, about the importance of free speech and how the voices of our brothers and sisters across race, gender and ethnicity need to be heard. I came home with bags of books and some pretty awesome RDSP/Broadkill swag, along with lots of memories and a new T.V. show addiction, and I’m looking forward to continuing along the new writing path that I’m on and to pushing myself out of my comfort zone. I expect there to be many more road trips and stories in my future, and once they earn their bearings in my mind and in my notebook, I’ll be sure to share them all with you.
At the intersection of literary and genre,
Stephanie M. Wytovich

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